Neuroprotective and Anti-Obesity Effects of Tocotrienols

Fukui K.


Vitamin E is a natural lipophilic vitamin, and the most famous function of vitamin E is an antioxidant activity. Because we have α-tocopherol transfer protein, many vitamin E-related reports are about α-tocopherol. Recently, other vitamin E isoforms, tocotrienols are focusing. Because tocotrienols have unique biological functions such as induction of apoptosis, neuroprotective and anti-obesity effects. Tocotrienols contain in annatto, palm, whole wheat and rice bran. Rice is a typical food in the East Asian countries and Japan. Recently, intake of whole rice is a popular in young women of Japan. Previously, we demonstrated that treatment with tocotrienols on the neuronal cells shows a strong antioxidant effect compared to the tocopherols. In this review, I introduce about neuroprotective and anti-obesity effects of tocotrienols. I would like to show daily intake of whole rice is very good for our health in this review.

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